Thursday, May 7, 2020

Post for May 7th

Post for May 7th

Hello parents and students,

      The government announced yesterday that teachers will be returning to classrooms and eventually some students will also be returning too. Right now everything that I have posted has had due dates but I am still accepting late work and I have assigned no zeros to assignments. This week has been a very poor week for assignment completion. It is understandable that as this type of learning drags on, many students will lose motivation. I would like to give students next week time to catch up on missing tasks. I will NOT post any new assignments next week OR provide any optional assignments so that students who are behind can focus on previous tasks.

            I am tracking every assignment right now that I have posted in google classroom and I have already made a spreadsheet of every mandatory assignment I have assigned that has not been completed. Students who have not done any assignments or who have only a couple of assignments completed have been highlighted. I have also shared this spreadsheet with AI. It would be nice in late May, when I can get back into the classroom, to admit some students who are behind. At this point it is too early to know if this is possible.

         If we do go back in June, it is so important for students to catch up as soon as possible. So Monday to Friday of next week I will post no new assignments and I encourage students to use my google meet drop in hours of Mondays and Fridays from 8-10 am to work with me to catch up. If a student messages me in the google classroom that they need help, I have offered my phone number and have worked with them outside of my drop in times. Students, I hope that we can see each other by the end of the school year and have some type of closure together.


                                                                       Kim Komljenovich

Today is game day for students. I have posted on the google classroom a Kahoot. This is an optional assignment and is just a fun way to review. 

French 7
Here is the link to the game:

French 8
Here is the link to the game:

French 9 
Here is the link to the game:

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