Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Post for March 31

Post from blog for March 31

Hello Parents and Students

      Thank you for joining my google classroom. I have had many students join, but there are some who are still not on. Once again, these are my join codes:

For French 7 use this link to join my classroom lrdfq6j

For French 8 use this link to join my classroom 7eql6nh

For French 9 use this link to join my classroom y5g5bkz

      I have been posting videos and songs right now along with Quizlet lessons. Students, if you would be so kind as to post that you have finished the assignment or click the turn in button when you are done, that would be appreciated. I like to give you a reply in the return box. It is nice to be able to send a quick message or note to let you know I appreciate your participation. Classes don't really start until April 6, but I am trying to show little things now to keep students connected to learning French, but also connected to their class and classmates.

         Don't forget that I am still blogging every day for students who can't be on google classroom. Also, every assignment is posted on google classroom and that can look overwhelming at times. My blog will indicate the activity that I have assigned that day. You can click on this link to my blog so you can view what is going on. https://kkomljenovich.blogspot.com/

      Once again, I thank you for your patience and hope that you are all healthy and safe.

                                                                Kind regards,

                                                                Madame Komljenovich

Monday, March 30, 2020

Post for March 30

Hello French students.

French 7, 8 and 9

If you check on my google classroom, I have posted an important message from Madame Hafeli on how to access your email and gedu accounts.

All students can watch the video on Youtube on hand washing. Use the captions box and read the lyrics. Pick up on the wording given.

Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuqf-jRmOqw so you can listen to the song if you are not on my google classroom.

I have made a Quizlet with the wording so you can figure out the song. If you are not on my google classroom, then go to this link https://quizlet.com/_89dfc6?x=1jqt&i=dfem7

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Post for March 26 and 27

Hello Students

If you are not yet on my Quizlet classrroom or Google classroom please join.

French 7

I sent out a video today explaining subject pronouns. Watch it and review last day's lesson.
I also handed out a second Quizlet on subject pronouns. This goes well with the video and explains what to do when you are given a word or a name and you don't know which subject pronoun you can use in that situation.

For those who are only using paper, go to your Unit 2 homework sheets and do ex. 1 and 2

French 8

I sent out a video today explaining possessive adjectives. Watch it and review this concept. I know that a lot of you had forgotten this concept before we left for holidays.

Links here if you are not on google classroom:



For those students who are only using paper, make sure you have completed ex. 1, 3, 5 and 6 in your homework sheets.

French 9

I sent out a video today reviewing passe compose with avoir. Go back and review the lesson from last day. Many of you on the last test are inconsistent with your use. Sometimes you have the infinitive, sometimes you use the past participle, sometimes you are putting past participle agreement when you shouldn't be doing this at all for passe compose with avoir. I also sent out another Kahoot to practice this concept. If you are bored, play a game!

Links here if you are not on google classroom:




For those who are only using paper, make sure you have finished all the way up to ex. 9 in your homework sheets.

That's it today. I want everyone to stay healthy and safe! Madame K

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Post for March 25

Hello Students. Here is what I have set up so far for you:

French 7

If you go to my google classroom, I have a Quizlet lesson reviewing AIM wording
I also have a kahoot on subject pronouns.

French 8

If you go onto my google classroom, I have a Quizlet lesson for you reviewing Unit 5A vocabulary.
Remember that you can go onto the test section and give yourself a test. The matching game is also good practice. There is a lot of vocabulary there to review.
I also sent out today a Kahoot reviewing family vocabulary. We did this Kahoot before, but I like the song on it.

French 9

If you go onto my google classroom, I have a Quizlet lesson on Unit 12A. I also have another Quizlet that is a practice quiz exercise on Passe Compose (Non-VANDERTRAMP) Please remember to use the write option icon and then type in your answer. You must type out the whole sentence.
I have also put on an easy Kahoot on the passe compose for you.

I am still learning how to use google classroom and I have never set up an online Kahoot before. Please be patient as I try to figure things out. Mistakes will be made.  I will be making some Kahoot and Quizlet exercises with your homework sheets so you can check your answers.

These assignments haven't been given any points value. I am just trying to get you to review what we have already covered before we left for Spring Break. Give it a try. 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

To Madam Komljenovich's French Students

Hello Students and Parents!

    If you are wondering what students can do right now to practice French at home I will once again mention Quizlet. Almost every student is linked to my Quizlet classroom. I'm anglekom40. If you have not joined yet or have forgotten your password, you may search me up and join in. I currently do not have Google classroom activated. I did set up google classroom at the beginning of the year but never used it. Now that we are moving to more online support I will try to activate it and use it with other resources.

For French 7 use this link to join my classroom lrdfq6j

For French 8 use this link to join my classroom 7eql6nh

For French 9 use this link to join my classroom y5g5bkz

I have already emailed students, using their gedu email address, to invite them into my classroom. Some students were not in the system. Use the code above to join. Check your email and simply click to join if you were contacted.

Something I realized is that many of you are on Quizlet but you created a username, like jellygirl10, that I will not be able to monitor your progress with. I would ask that you change your username to your actual name. Usually I would not ask this of you, but these are special circumstances. Go into the setting feature and you can change your username. It can only be done once, so please be sure to write your first name and last name in your username.

I will continue to use my blog to let students know what is going on. As you can see, I have changed my blog address so that it is connected to my gedu account. I will use my blog on top of Google classroom so students can still see what I am doing if they can't use Google classroom. I don't believe you need to have a gedu account to read my blog or contact me through my blog. Please use this address for contact with me https://kkomljenovich.blogspot.com/

I hope you are all well and I look forward to making connections in other ways with you and students.